Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Really Good Flank Steak

Although I don't recommend eating red meat all the time due to higher cholesterol, saturated fat, and the link to certain kinds of cancer such as colon, which runs in my family, I do think it's ok to eat once in a while.  Tonight was one of those nights! My boyfriend grilled a flank steak that he had marinaded in a very flavorful, healthy marinade that he made himself the night before.  We usually try to marinade for 24 hours.  You can do a few, but I find that the longer you marinade, the better.  This is a great recipe that he put a little spin on, and it turned out great!  We had broccoli for a side, but you could also grill some baby red potatoes (I don't recommend white carbs very often, but a potato is a whole food from the ground, so it could be worse), make some oven baked sweet potato fries, or make a side salad as well.

A Really Good Flank Steak
1 1.5 lb flank steak (or more if you want to feed more people)
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup tamari
1/2 shallot - minced
1/4 cup honey
2 cloves garlic - minced
2 TBSP red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp black pepper
1-2 TBSP Worcestershire sauce (optional)

After the flank steak, that's the marinade! Mix it in a bowl, put the steak in a ziploc bag and pour over top.  Make sure you flip it once in a while in the fridge so all the sides get soaked.  We grilled on a grill pan today since it's winter, but grill it outside when it's warm out.

What is Tamari? Tamari is similar to soy sauce.  Well, it basically is soy sauce, except contains no wheat and has a little bit stronger flavor than soy sauce.  The richer and more smooth taste comes from the slightly higher soy protein concentration in it. Regular soy sauce is 40-60% wheat.  Shoyu is another option, but also contains wheat.  Look at the ingredients and make sure there isn't any extra crap thrown in.  Water, soybeans, salt.  That should be about it.

So even though this recipe is made from clean ingredients, because it is red meat, try to not make it too often.  Try.  It is going to be hard!

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