Saturday, December 7, 2013

New Year, New You!!

Let's face it.  The holidays are hard.  And even though we usually have the best intentions, sometimes the holiday parties, eating and alcohol get the better of us.  This can leave you feeling tired, fat, bloated, and just overall very unhappy, wishing you could go back in time and change your choices.  Sometimes around this time of year, people will stop working out as well, giving you a double yuck kind of feeling.  Well, have no fear, I am here to help!  Starting January 6th, I will be co-hosting a New Year, New You Challenge group!!  This challenge group is 60 days long and involves clean eating and fitness!! It's all done through an online, closed facebook group, so only the group can see what is being posted!

I will help you customize your health and fitness goals to meet your needs.  Then, we will choose the best Beachbody workout (P90X3, Insanity, T25, Turbojam, etc) to get there based on your ability level.  Then, you replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the next 60 days to give your body 1 meal that is supercharged with ingredients that will give you natural energy, cravings will be curved, you will stay full for at least 3 hours and it is equivalent to 6 salads in one meal.

Click here to learn more about Shakeology --> Learn More About Shakeology

Then, I am going to help you plan the other meals of the day.  I will help you create a customized meal plan, give you recipes, snack ideas, tips, motivation, and hold you ACCOUNTABLE!  Every day I post in the challenge group your daily mind set tip or post.  You check in and rate your day and read what is posted.  We all keep eachother accountable.

I'm going to address emotional eating, eating out, how to handle holidays, temptations, traveling, cheat meals, body image and more!  There's an entire curriculum!

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, email me at, or sign up for your free Team Beachbody Account --> Create A Free Beachbody Account with Coach Megan

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