Monday, December 23, 2013

Stay away from processed sugar and artificial sweeteners!

 Stay away from white, processed sugar and artificial sweeteners.  If you must sweeten something, use a natural sweetener and use sparingly.

The average American consumes about 150 lbs of sugar a year, or about 3 pounds of sugar per week.  That’s way too much.  We should try to cut those numbers in half at the very least.  Think of all the extra calories you’re eating, not to mention you’re giving yourself diabetes and contributing to obesity.  Splenda was discovered in 1976 by scientists trying to create a new insecticide.  If it kills bugs……just saying. Aspartame was discovered in 1965 by a chemist, also by mistake.  Initially, the FDA wouldn't allow it due to brain tumors found in animal studies.   Artificial sweeteners are chemicals and do not belong in our bodies.  Some good options for natural sweeteners are pure, raw honey, pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup and molasses.  Agave nectar is also a good option.  It doesn't spike your blood sugar as quickly as other sugars will, so may be a better option for diabetics.  If you must satisfy your sweet tooth, since sugar is addictive and it’s hard to quit cold turkey, try eating fruit, homemade fruit smoothies, trail mix, good dark chocolate, and sweet vegetables such as sweet potatoes, squash and carrots.  You can cube up the sweet potato, carrots and other sweet root vegetables, put on a sheet tray, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper, and pop them in the oven for 4o minutes for a quick side to your dinner.

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