Monday, February 17, 2014

The 21 Day Fix - Preseason Week

Today was day one of my 21 day fix challenge group.  This week is preseason, so I'm getting everyone prepared for what lies ahead.  So over the weekend I took the time to educate myself on what exactly the program entailed.  Yes, I knew it was a portion controlled nutrition program and I knew we were about to do some awesome workouts with new trainer Autumn Calabrese, but I wanted to know the itty bitty details of this program.  Here's what I've learned so far!

You work out 7 days a week for 21 days.  These workouts are only 30 minutes so they're totally do-able. Resistance bands or a set of light and heavy weights are needed.

Monday = Total Body Cardio Fix
Tuesday = Upper Fix
Wednesday = Lower Fix
Thursday = Pilates Fix
Friday = Cardio Fix
Saturday = Dirty 30
Sunday = Yoga Fix

This program isn't meant to be a quick fix.  It is meant to teach you healthy habits, which are usually learned in 21 days, that you can implement for the rest of your life to create a healthy lifestyle.  The food plan is nutrient rich - about 40% carbohydrates (healthy ones, not white rice or wonder bread), 30% protein and 30% healthy fats.  This balance of macronutrients helps with weight loss but also gives you the energy you need to fuel your workouts.

You don't have to count calories with this program, but she does provide a calorie calculation based on your weight and activity level. You calculate your calories and from there, you determine how many portions of each color coded container you're going to eat with the provided chart.

There are 7 color coded portion control containers.  I've been experimenting with them.  It takes a little while to get used to this, but once you get the hang of it, it's cake (or not.....haha).

Green Container = Veggies
- kale, collard greens, spinach, brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, beets, tomatoes, squash, etc

Purple Container = Fruits
- raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, etc

Red Container = Protein
- sardines, chicken breast, turkey breast, lean ground chicken or turkey breast, buffalo, eggs, plain greek yogurt, Shakeology, tofu, etc

Yellow Container = Carbohydrates
- sweet potatoes, yams, quinoa, beans, lentils, edamama, peas, refried beans, brown rice, wild rice, potato, corn on the cob, amaranth, millet, etc

Blue = Healthy Fats and Cheeses 
- avocado, 12 raw almonds, 8 raw cashews, hummus, coconut milk, feta or goat cheese, cheddar, parmesan, etc

Orange = Seeds and Oils
- pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, lives, shredded coconut, salad dressings

- EVOO, flaxseed oil, nut butters, seed butters, walnut oil

Free Foods 
- water - you can add things such as lemon and lime wedges, orange slices, strawberry slices, a splash of fruit juice, mint or basil leaves, grated ginger, rosemary, or you can make ice cubes with fruit in it too
- Vinegar
- Mustard
- Herbs
- Spices (stay away from extra salt)
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Hot Sauce
- Flavor extracts
- Seasoning mixes

Three times a week you can REPLACE a yellow container with a beverage of your choice ( like WINE) and three times a week you can also replace a yellow container with a treat (like cookies or chips).

Tally sheets are provided but I made my own sheets.  Beachbody also provides you with recipes for the fix and sample meal plans.

I'm excited to see how this goes.  My group will be taking measurements and pictures in the next few days. I'll be excited to see the results!!!  I will keep everyone updated!!

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