Monday, August 10, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training Week 9

Week 9 is done! It was a good week in running.  I completed all of my miles in 4 runs which was nice.  3 rest days were awesome!  I did some stretching, some relaxing and some sleeping in those days!  I have 43 miles to do this coming week and I'm going to try to do the same thing!  Here was the week 9 breakdown:

Total Miles - 41
Long Run - 15 miles
Key workout - Tempo Run - warm up 2 miles, 3 mile at tempo, 2 mile cool down

Run #1 - 8 miles - easy

Run #2 - 10 mile tempo - 2 mile warm up at a 8:40 pace, 3 mile tempo around a 7:45 - 8:00 pace, 5 mile cool down.........I was feeling good and wanted to get in more miles, so I just kept going!

Run #3 - 7 miles - easy

Run #4 - 16 mile long run - 9:28 pace - I felt good up until mile 13-14.  I wanted to stop but I pushed through and only walked through my water stops.  There's a hill I always run up at the end of the runs and my treat for doing so is a little bit of walking at the top, so that happened too.  Left the house at 6:30 am so I was back around 9 and ready to take on the day!

Next week - 43 miles.  Bring it on!

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