Wednesday, February 12, 2014

30 Day Clean Eating, Shakeology and PLANK Challenge Group

March 3rd starts my 30 day Clean Eating, Shakeology and PLANK Challenge Group!

If you've been wanting to try Shakeology, now is your chance! For every Shakeology HD order placed in the month of February, I will be donating $5 to the local Go Red For Women Campaign.  February is American Heart Month, so let's get some donations rolling!

To find out more about Shakeology, click here ----->  What is Shakeology?

We will be learning meal planning, clean eating tips and tricks, different healthy recipes, snack ideas, and I will be giving you motivation and holding you accountable.  Every day I post in the challenge group your daily mind set tip or post. You check in and rate your date and read what is posted. We all keep each other accountable!
I am going to address the emotional eating, eating out at restaurants, how to handle the fall and holiday temptations, traveling, cheat meals, body image and more!

If you are interested in this challenge group, please contact me at or fill out the application:

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