Friday, August 21, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training Week 10

I know I'm a little late on posting this, as this is last weeks training schedule, but I'm running a 6 week E health coaching course and had to get that out on Monday.  But here I am today, getting it done!  Week 10 is in the books, and it was rough!  My runs were hard last week, but I took 2 days off after my long run and am feeling better this week.  So here goes:

Total Mileage - 43 miles
Long Run - 18 miles
No key workouts

Run #1 - 7 miles - easy

Run #2 - 10 miles - very easy. This run took place before work and it was hot and really hard.  Sometimes you have those days. On the plus side I got to see the Blue Angels practicing for the Air and Water show!

Run #3 - 8 miles - easy

Run #4 - Long Run - 18 miles - this run was also hard but I got it done with a 9:46 pace.  Again, it was hot and humid.  I got up at 4:45 am to get this run done before it got to the high temp of 91 that day but it was still warm.  I wasn't nearly as fast as I wanted to be but I know that it's ok for the long runs.  Two weeks until my first 20 miler!!! Hoping it will cool down a bit.  Cross your fingers!!!

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