Monday, November 25, 2013

Made Over Mashed Potatoes!

Ok, so maybe the title of this blog post is a tad misleading.  I have a great recipe, courtesy of one of my friends, for mashed cauliflower!  It looks like mashed potatoes, right?  It does taste very good, and I don't love cauliflower, and I like this.  Not to mention, it has less calories and less carbs - it's just better for you!  Try adding it into one of your holiday celebrations for a healthier alternative to your mashed potatoes, or eat both and cut down on your portion size.  Let me know what you guys think!

Mashed Cauliflower
1 head cauliflower, steamed or boiled in water until soft
3 tbsp olive oil - you can use butter, but olive oil is a healthy fat and is better for you than butter
1 tbsp low fat cream cheese - preferably organic; I try to buy all of my milk and dairy products organic
1/4 cup cheddar cheese - you can use low fat if you prefer, but again, I'd shoot for organic
salt and pepper to taste

Put all items in a blender and blend until smooth!


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