Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Through Christmas Survival!

The holidays are a time for eating, drinking and being merry.  As much as we love doing this and being with friends and family, no one really wants to gain those few extra pounds.  Most experts say we only gain a couple over the holidays, but they also say we never lose them afterwards, and this can add up.  I have a few tips to keep you on track over the holidays:

1.       Keep up your normal workout routine.  Get up 30 minutes early and get it in.  Do whatever you have to do.  You’ll feel better, believe me.  Even if you do eat a tad too much, you can at least take comfort in the fact you got your workout in, and that feels good!

2.       Eat your normal breakfast and lunch that you normally would during a regular day.  This makes sure that you won’t binge later on at Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner because you won’t be starving since you skipped breakfast and lunch.

3.       Load up on the healthy stuff – skinless turkey breast, salad, veggies and just pick a few “bad” foods to indulge in.  Don’t go crazy, and don’t feel like you need to eat everything on the buffet line.  Pick the things you like and just have a little of them, to satisfy you. Don’t overdue it on the portion size.  The world will not end tomorrow.  This is not the last day ever that you will be eating.  Don't beat yourself up if you do overdue it.  Most likely, you won't feel very well anyways, since you just ate too much, so use it as a learning experience.  Do you want to feel that way? Probably not.  Next time you might think twice before having that second piece of pie knowing you may not feel very well.

4.       Make sure you drink your water.  If you get dehydrated, you’re more likely to have cravings and binge! 

5.       Have fun!  It is the holidays.  Try not to stress too much about it and enjoy time with your family and friends.  Take a walk after dinner, shoot some hoops, kick a soccer ball around.

  If you want to learn more about surviving the holidays, while eating, drinking and still having fun, my beachbody coach Melanie Mitro and I are hosting a Holiday Survival Challenge Group starting Dec 2.  In this group you will learn clean eating tips, meal planning, recipes, and how to pick and choose which treats to have so you don't feel deprived.  She, I and other members of the group will give you support along the way and hold you accountable for your choices.  As a member of one of Melanie's challenge groups, I can tell you, you will not be disappointed.  Email me at or find me on facebook at and let me know if you're interested.  You can also sign up for a free Team Beachbody account at and let me know that way.  Join us, lose a few pounds over the holidays and be happy, healthy and strong!  Check out Melanie's blog post for some more information.


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