Monday, January 27, 2014

Intern's Wanted for #2 Team in Beachbody!!

Everyday is a new day to create the life you love. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I scared? Yes!!!!! Is this one of the best things I have ever done for myself and for others? Triple YES!!! The Dream Team is not just any team. We are a family. I've never felt so supported and motivated in my entire life. I am passionate about this team, I BELIEVE in this company and these products because we HELP CHANGE LIVES! Together we are better. Together we are unstoppable!!! Join our team and join our family!!! If you're interested and want to learn more, message me or you can fill out an app on my blog under Team Beachbody and Coaching!. New internship program starts FEB 3!! Never be afraid to try something new!

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