Monday, January 27, 2014

P90X3: Week 1

I am soreeeeeee!!!  Also, I LOVE this program! P90X3 is the latest program from mastermind Tony Horton.  You DO NOT have to have done P90X or P90X2 to do this program.  It also has modifiers so beginners through advanced are welcome!!  And Tony Horton is back with his goofy one liners and his do your best and forget the rest attitude.  Here's how week one went:

Day 1: Total Synergistics

This is a full body resistance workout featuring compound movements, which utilize multiple muscle groups in every exercise.  These types of workouts produce fast changes to your body composition.  It includes exercises like push ups, side planks, lunges, squats, pull ups, punches, and many other exercises with clever names from Horton.  I liked this one a lot!!  You need yourself and a set of dumbells and that's about it!  Maybe a little E&E before hand though!  Very good workout, feeling great!

Day 2:  Agility x

This workout uses tape on the floor and yourself! No other equipment needed.  This uses aerobic and anaerobic energy and focuses on precision, power, flexibility, balance and strength.  It's kind of like a non-traditional cardio workout.  I do think I'll be subbing a run for this one once in a while if it ever gets warmer (record lows in Chicago the next few days), but it was fun to mix it up a little bit.

Day 3: Yoga

I need to do this more.  I am awful at it, but I love it.  It's not only good for the body, it's good for the mind.  It improves flexibility (which I need for running!!!), balance, stamina, body awareness and core strength.  

Day 4:  The Challenge

This workout is only pull ups and push ups.  Let's just say, I'm still sore.  After training for a marathon, and then doing T25, I don't have much upper body strength, so I'm excited to see how much better I get at this workout as time goes on!

Day 5:  CVX

This is my favorite workout so far!  I'm very sore as I'm doing this though.  And this makes me nervous for tomorrow since DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) can sometimes take its worst toll two days after!  This is totally my kind of workout.  It's cardio with weights.  It combines resistance with intervals in order to increase impact across every energy system.  You'll stress everything from power and anaerobic endurance to aerobic endurance and strengthen your core.  It's awesome. I love it.

Day 6: The Warrior

This one is great too.  This a no equipment, total body workout based on Tony's years and years of working with our Armed Forces (thanks all!!).  You circuit upper and lower body resistance with core and cardio work.  It's HARD and it's wonderful!  It can be done anytime, anywhere.  It includes planks, push ups, one legged jump squats, core work, skaters, you name it, we do it!!

Day 7: Rest (HOORAY!!)

I did pretty well with my nutrition choices.  Drank my Shakeology every day!  Paired my protein and carb at each meal, stayed away from processed foods and ate whole foods.  Just need to do a little work on my portion control and I'm good to go!!!

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