Saturday, January 18, 2014

Why Shorter Workouts Work

Efficiency is key.  You can cut your workout time in half, and get the same results as a 1.5 hour sweat session in the gym and get the same results, if not BETTER results in 30 minutes or less.  Intensity is the key here.  Getting on the elliptical for 90 minutes while your heart rate isn't in the proper zone isn't going to do much, besides waste 90 minutes of your day.

Two men have proven shorter workouts are key, and one woman (Autumn Calabrese) is right behind them with her 30 minute 21 day fix workouts (blog post to come in the next few days on this amazing program.)  Tony Horton and Shaun T have created P90X3 and T25, respectively.  These workouts are 30 minutes per day, and 25 minutes per day.  These aren't just random workouts.  You can get a lot done in 30 minutes. There's science behind it.  Here's why shorter workouts work!

According to Shaun T "Studies have shown that shorter workouts can be as effective, or even better than longer workouts".  "The goal is to make every second and every minute of your workout count".  The most dramatic body transformations happen in the first 30 minutes of exercise and people are more likely to train harder if the workout is shorter, according to Tony Horton.

These programs help eliminate one of the biggest problems that conventional programs deal with - burnout!  Burnout happens when your body is unable to perform what you're asking it to do, or the workouts are to long. Variety is also key.  Constantly changing the workouts and body part you are working helps you to keep going without rest.

P90X3 combines muscle confusion from P90X and muscle integration from P90X2 and muscle acceleration in fast paced workouts.  Both of these workouts contain total body training - cardio, resistance, upper and lower body circuits, strength, core.  The moves and sequences have been carefully selected so that you can and will see results.

Cardio only is muscle wasting and the less muscle you have, the lower your resting metabolic rate and the less calories you burn throughout the day.  Strength training is needed to build lean muscle to keep that metabolism up!! As Chalene Johnson says "Muscle Burns Fat!"

Most people abandon their January fitness resolutions between February 15 and March 1.  The reason is because people become overwhelmed.  These shorter workout programs have better long term appeal.  You are more likely to stick with them.  Short, intense, 30 minutes or less. What more can you ask for? to check out the deals on P90X3 and T25!

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