Thursday, January 16, 2014

TED Talks (1) - Jamie Oliver - Teach Every Child About Food

My job as an optometrist takes me into the Chicago Public School system.  We run a mobile office, bringing in our equipment, setting up in a classroom or the gym, and doing eye exams and getting the kids glasses.  I love my job.  It's a lot of work, but I love it.

When I get to work, the kids are all eating breakfast.  I also get to see them have lunch.  In the morning, there is always chocolate milk.  For lunch, there is always chocolate milk.  Not only are there added hormones and steroids in this milk (I see the container, I know what brand they're drinking), but a chocolate milk can contain just as much sugar as a soda.  And they've already had two and it's only noon!  I usually ask the kids what they had for lunch, not only to make conversation, but to see what's going on in the schools.  Most of the time their answers are as follows - pizza, corn dogs, cheeseburgers, and my all time favorite from this past week - mozzarella sticks!  Their meal was mozzarella sticks!  No wonder the obesity and diabetes rate is going up in epic proportions in our children.  I get excited when I see one of them eating an apple or a carrot.

Jamie Oliver is a chef and activist and is working to change how everyone, and kids especially, eat.  In his talk, which you can watch below, he states that our children will live on average 10 years less than us because of the foods (or processed substances we call food) we eat.  2/3 of Americans are overweight and obese.  This leads to chronic disease, which is totally preventable.  The statistics are overwhelming!

Diet related disease is the BIGGEST killer in the US.  Not gun related deaths, not car accidents, but diet related disease!!  It isn't only the United States though, it's the entire world!  Jamie is calling for a food revolution, and I think it's time!

Obesity health care costs are $150 billion per year right now.  That's expected to double in 10 years.  Wouldn't you rather eat a vegetable and a piece of fruit and save your money? I know I would, and I really don't want to have to pay for everyone else's healthcare when they decide to eat the McDonald's extra value meal either.

Obesity and diet related disease not only hurts you.  It hurts your friends and family around you.  No one wants their loved ones to die 10 years before they should from something that is preventable.

Fast food has taken over.  Big companies have taken over.  30 years ago food was local and fresh.  Now, food is processed and full of additives and preservatives.  Labeling is also very misleading.

School food is consumed 2x per day 180 days per year, so it's important! Our kids eat more meals here than anywhere else.  Like I said before, most of these meals are not healthy.  They are highly processed, full of additives and preservatives, and lacking in fruit and veggies.  Apparently, ketchup and french fries count as veggies. Part of the problem is not teaching kids about food in our schools.  In his talk, Jamie shows kids at school a bunch of fruits and veggies, and no one knows what anything is!  It's time to start teaching our kids about food in schools.  It's also time to start teaching healthy cooking in schools, so these kids can start saving their own lives.

The ripple effect can be powerful.  If one person teaches three people about healthy eating, cooking and recipes, and they each teach three more people, we can make a big difference.  I want to and am working on making a big change.

Watch Jamie's TED talk.  It is very, very powerful.

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