Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Eating Out At Restaurants

Even though we plan and we plan, sometimes something comes up and you have to go out to dinner.  This is good to do socially, you can’t sit in your house every night of the week and not do anything, but you do not have to ruin all of your hard work when you are out to eat.  Here are some tips to help you when you’re friends call you up for a girls/guys night out, or your significant other decides it’s time for date night!

1.  Do not reach for the bread basket - either tell the waiter to take it away, or if the others want it, have enough will power to tell yourself no.  Do you really want to waste your calories on that piece of white processed bread that probably isn’t going to taste that good anyways?  Drink your glass of water, order some tea, and stay away.  Who knows if that’s even wheat bread that they’re giving you?

2. Nix the fries - most restaurants offer a substitute either at no additional cost, or a small additional cost, and it’s worth it.  Those fries most likely contain trans fats and will start the artery clogging process straight away.  Opt for a side salad or steamed veggies.  I have a restaurant by me that offers garlic quinoa or cottage cheese as well.  Any of these are better than the fries.  Onion rings, although a vegetable, do not count.  Sorry guys.

3. Order water, coffee, or tea, and drink them without added sugar or milk

4. Ask for your protein grilled, baked or steamed.  These methods use minimal amounts of added fats and oils to prepare your meal, so you should be safe.  Sauteeing and especially frying are going to pack in oils and butters.

5.  Sushi and sashimi can be good protein options.  Sashimi is better because you get a large piece of fish an dminimal rice.  Some sushi restaurants offer brown rice now, which is going to be better than white.

6.  Order an appetizer as an entrée, or split an entrée with a friend.  Make sure it’s not mozzarella sticks or fried calamari though.  Most entrees are way too big for one person anyways, which brings me to my next tip -

7.  If you order your own entrée, ask for a doggie bag right away.  Put part of your meal in your to go box before you even begin your meal.  That way you know the kitchen is closed, so to speak, when you are done with what’s on your plate. 

8.  When all else fails, ask.  If you want to know if a dish is made with cream, butter, oils, etc, just ask the waiter.  They should know how the dishes are prepared and can always go ask the chef for you.

9.  Ask for dressings on the side.  You control what goes on top of your salad.  Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and lemon juice are the best.

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