Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

For a long time coconut oil got a bad rep.  It's composed of saturated fat and we are told to stay away from that as it can cause heart disease.  However the saturated fat in coconut oil is different from saturated fat in animal products.  I used it to cook a coconut curry dish the other day, and it was yummy! Here are some of it's health benefits.

1.  The fatty acids in coconut oil are medium chained triglycerides -- these are easily metabolized by the body and used as energy.

2.  Studies show that coconut oil helps combat bacteria and viruses in our bodies that make us ill!  It also has anti-yeast, candida and fungal properties, as well as ANTI CANCER properties.

3.  It has a postitive effect on hormones - it improves insulin use within the body therefore helping manage type 2 diabetes.  It has also been shown to boost thyroid function, which increases metabolism, and who doesn't want a little extra help with weight management.

4.  It improves digestion, nutrient absorption, and intestinal health.

5.  Coconut oil can actually increase HDL, or the good cholesterol.

6.  It contains antioxidants so helps with aging.

7.  It is a great moisturizer for your skin and hair.

8.  It can withstand heat so is good for baking!

9.  This a great article on how it can help you kill sugar cravings too!

How To Stop Sugar Cravings

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