Monday, February 24, 2014

Ragnar Relay Series

My first half marathon was in 2007.  My first marathon was 2013.  And the next obstacle for 2014??  Ragnar Relay!!  What is the Ragnar, you ask?

Image of MiiR Water Bottle-Run, Drive, Sleep? Repeat

Ragnar is an overnight relay running race!! Starting June 6th and going into June 7th, I will be running with a group, Your Pace or Mine, of 11 others from Madison, WI to Chicago, IL!!!  6 of us pile into two vans from Friday morning until Saturday afternoon and run relay style for 196 miles!!  Crazy? Perhaps.  Fun? Oh yes!!!

Each participant runs 3 times (if you're doing ultra where there's a team of 6, then it's 6 times!!).  Each leg of the race has you running 3-8 miles.  So even if you haven't been running for a long time, you can do this race!!!

While one person is running, the rest of your teammates are on support duty in your race vehicles. Teams require 2 vehicles (Runners 1-6 in van 1 and 7 -12 in van 2) Van 1's runners will cover the first six legs. As each runner begins, the crew in the vehicle can drive ahead, cheer their runner on and meet them at the exchange point to pick them up and drop off the next runner. After the first 6 legs, van 2 picks up the slack and starts putting in the miles.

Once your van’s runners finish the six legs, you drive ahead to the major exchange point to wait for your other van to finish their six legs, hunker down and try to get some rest. If you aren’t in the mood to sleep or can’t seem to move your body into sleep mode, try harder because you will need it for the next step.
All that stuff above? Yeah… you get to do it two more times

Every runner gets a medal at the end.  Each van gets clif bars, shot blocks and shots, tattoos and water!  You get a tech tee, car stickers and a finish line party!

The most text votes determines the winners for the following categories:
  • Most Pimped out Van
  • Nom de Plume (best team name)
  • Far out Fashion (best team costumes)
  • Homecoming (overall best)

Image of Women's Ragnar Fitted Performance Jacket- Orange

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