Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Protein Timing for Runner's

As athletes, runners or even just fitness enthusiast's, complex carbohydrates are our main fuel to keep us going and simple carbs are needed during our really long runs to keep us from crashing. Carbohydrates are very very important.  But so is protein.  Protein is what rebuilds our muscles after they have been torn up from a workout.  Timing of protein consumption is also important.  Here's when you should eat it.

1.  In the morning

Make sure your breakfast has adequate protein in it.  It will fuel you all day long.  Make sure on training days especially you're getting your protein in in the morning.  On easy training days, about 35% of your calories from food should be protein and about 45% carbs.  On training days when you have long runs, make sure you up the carb intake in the morning to about 55-60% and about 25% protein.  Eggs scrambled with veggies, oatmeal with added protein powder or peanut butter, and protein pancakes are good options

Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

2.  The post workout recover window

Protein is needed after you workout for muscle repair and growth.  Try to get that protein in within the first 30 minutes after your workout.  Try to get about 25-30 grams of protein after your workout (more if you weigh more, less if you weigh less).  (Carbohydrates are also important here to replenish your energy levels). Some good options are fruit and cottage cheese or greek yogurt, chocolate milk, lean protein such as chicken or fish with quinoa, tuna on an english muffin.

Black Bean Quinoa Salad

3.  Before bed.

Who woulda thought?  According to the British Medical Journal, eating before bed only correlates to weight gain if you eat crap.  Protein before bed helps to repair and recover those muscles while you sleep.  20-25 grams of protein before bed is what's recommended.  Milk protein, or whey, is also supposed to be extra good!!  Organic milk with a little protein powder added is a good choice, but if you're dairy free, any protein will do.

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