Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Beachbody March Promotions

I can't believe it's March already! This year is flying by sooooo fast!!!!  It will be summer before you know it and you'll be pulling out those bikini's and heading to the beach!!!  Here's what's going on this month.

So The 21 Day Fix was a hit!!! It sold out in it's first few days, and is still on back order.  Having said that, I have a 21 Day Fix Challenge group starting March 17th.  If you haven't purchased it yet, it's probably too late for this month.  Contact me if you'd like to join a fix specific group in the month of April!!

March Promotions:

One of our wonderful coaches, Katy Ursta, has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 4.  She is currently undergoing chemotherapy.  For every challenge pack sold in March, I will be donating $5 to her charity, The Mario Lemieux Fund.  So lets help her punch cancer in the face!!

Les Mills Combat Challenge Pack is on sale for $140.  It is normally $160.  LES MILLS COMBAT is an explosive mixed martial arts–inspired body transformation program that will help rip, shred, and lean you out for unparalleled results. Blending dynamic martial arts–inspired training with High Intensity
Interval Training (HIIT), LES MILLS COMBAT pushes your body far beyond where it’s ever been before. You’ll punch, kick, and strike your way to the biggest adrenaline rush—and your best body ever—in just 60 days!
  • Build lean muscle mass, increase
endurance, condition—and incinerate
fat—all at the same time
• Develop the coordination, agility, and
muscle speed of a mixed martial arts
• Maximize calorie burn during and after
your workout
• Improve posture, core strength,
and stability
• Build self-confidence, strength,
and power

Les Mills Pump is on sale for $180.  It is normally $245.  This program comes with a barbell and weight plates. It’s the at-home version of BODYPUMP®, the extremely popular gym classes created by Les Mills International and taught in 80 countries around the world. This barbell-based rapid weight loss and accelerated strength-training program helps you reshape your entire body using light-to-moderate weights
with higher repetitions.  In a typical LES MILLS PUMP workout, you fatigue your muscles by doing
70 to 100 repetitions per body part.  That’s about 4 times more reps than
in a standard gym workout.
Training with THE REP EFFECT™ helps you:
• Break down more fat reserves
• Target more muscle fibers
• Burn more calories than you would with
traditional weight training, so you can
achieve meaningful fat loss
• Build strength without building bulk

The Ultimate Reset is on special for $275, normally $305.  The Beachbody Ultimate Reset® is a comprehensive, no-starvation, inner-body tune-up that offers much more than the typical cleanse and detox programs on the market. The Ultimate Reset not only helps you eliminate toxins and waste
gently and naturally, but it also maximizes your cellular energy production,  helping your body process food more efficiently and your systems run more smoothly.* You’ll replace the processed foods you’ve been eating with healthy foods. You’ll eat cleanly—possibly for the first time in your life—and take
supplements designed to help your body remove from your cells and organs toxins that you’ve been taking in for decades.

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a complete, three-phase, 21-day mind and body
program that provides everything you need to:*
• Reclaim your body’s natural balance
• Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you
• Restore your system to its maximum health
Participants have experienced the following benefi ts:*
• Flush toxins from organs • Improved digestion • Increased energy
• A more positive mood
and better focus
• Weight loss
(improved BMI)
• Lowered cholesterol
• Eliminated dependencies
on sugar and caffeine
• Improved overall health

Let me know if you're interested in any of these promotions, joining a group with an older program, or have any questions about anything! Remember! Invest in yourself, invest in your health and invest in your life!!  Fill out a challenge group app or contact me at meganmosley@ymail.com

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