Thursday, March 13, 2014

I'm up all night to get FASTER!

The long runs always make me feel so accomplished!!!  I feel so GOOD (and tired) when I get back from a 12 miler, a 15 miler, or heck, even an 8 miler!!!  But as important as running the long, slow runs are, there are other things you need to do to improve your running speed and to get those PR's!

1.  Run faster.

Haha.  Yes! If you want to run your races faster, you need to practice running faster.  Run sprints.  Outside, pick 2 trees or light posts and sprint between the two.  On a treadmill, up the speed for 30-60 seconds, then slow it back down to recover.  You an also do what's called a fartlek run. Fartlek is Swedish for speed play.  Play with your speed after a 5 minute running warm up.  Run fast, recover slow, run fast again, whatever you would like.  Farlek runs do not have to be structured.

2.  Do strength workouts.

Don't just run to get better at running.  Strength training allows you to run faster when you do run, and train harder.  Runner's run forward. Strength training should incorporate side to side as well as rotational movement.

3. Of course run a long run every week!

Long runs will improve your endurance, speed work improves your speed.  You need to do both to run faster over the long distances.  You can run your long training runs slow though.

4.  Run more often.

Once or twice a week isn't going to cut it.  Get out there and run more often!  Don't increase your mileage too quickly though, and remember a rest day is definitely needed!

5.  Run the trails

Not only is it more fun and interesting than running down the road, it also builds your agility and makes you a more athletic runner!

6.  Push outside your comfort zone. 

 In order to change you have to do something you don't normally do.  You may be uncomfortable for a bit, but it's not permanent.  Push yourself.  The body achieves what the mind believes!!

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