Sunday, June 29, 2014

The 3 Day Refresh

If you know me, you know I'm all about healthy eating most of the time and I don't believe in diets or quick fixes.  Having said that, and having fallen off the wagon for a few weeks, not getting the best nutrition when I was in Las Vegas for Summit, and having too many of what my boyfriend refers to as "fat girl Friday's", I decided to try Beachbody's new 3 Day Refresh.

The 3-Day Refresh is a scientifically designed program that helps you
fast-track your weight loss, kick-start healthy eating, and get a clean
break from bad nutrition habits. 3-Day Refresh is a simple, straightforward
program that will help cleanse your body and improve the way you feel—
without starving yourself. Unlike juice cleanses or liquid fasts which tend
to be high in sugar and low in protein (leaving you feeling weak, hungry,
and sluggish), this easy-to-follow program helps support your metabolism
while nourishing your vital organs.

The 3-Day Refresh consists of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, tea, plus fresh fruits, veggies and healthy fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.  Though the meal plans are simple, there are many alternatives, including some creative ways to prepare your meals, so you'll see that you can actually enjoy eating healthy food without having to season it in ways that can damage your health and undermine your weight loss goals.

Maybe you feasted like a king or queen over the weekend, and want get
back on track. Perhaps you simply just want to lose that last bit of annoying
pudge. Maybe you used to eat healthy but little by little you fell off the
wagon and now are ready to climb back on. It’s also possible you’ve never
had a healthy diet but you’re finally ready to start. Sometimes you want to
quickly drop a few pounds for an upcoming social event. Or perhaps you’re
kick-starting a new workout program and want to shift into high gear right
away. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re ready for a few days of clean eating just
because it’s the right thing to do.

Whatever your “maybe” may be, we all have those times when we want to
get our nutrition on track—and that’s what the 3-Day Refresh is all about.
This program is the easiest way to break the cycle of bad eating habits
while creating new ones, conquer your cravings, flatten your stomach, feel
lighter and more energized, sleep more soundly, detoxify your body, and
dramatically improve the way you feel—ALL WITHOUT STARVING!

That's Carl at Summit talking about the refresh :)

For 3 days you’ll have a superfood-packed Shakeology® shake for breakfast
along with a fruit option; a Fiber Sweep digestive health drink later in
the morning; a satisfying, high-protein Vanilla Fresh shake for lunch,
accompanied by fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy fat options throughout
the afternoon. For dinner, you’ll have another Vanilla Fresh shake along with
your choice from a list of delicious, easy-to-prepare dinner recipes. You can
also have tea twice a day and as much filtered water as you like (we suggest
you drink AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces per day).

The 3-Day Refresh is a low-calorie program (about 900 calories a day) but
because the shakes and fresh food selections are high in protein and fiber,
they will help keep you satiated throughout the day.
Because this program is packed with fiber, if you don’t already have a diet
that’s high in fruits, veggies, and whole grains, it’s a good idea to prepare
for the 3-Day Refresh by eating a large salad and/or a few servings of fresh
veggies throughout the week leading up to it.
If you get a little gas or bloating, this is a sign that you need to up your
fiber levels in general. Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar,
promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract functioning.
If gas is an issue, we’ve highlighted the “low gas-producing” options in the
veggie list and dinner recipes in the menu guide.
It’s also incredibly important to stay hydrated during the 3-Day Refresh.
Water is the body’s lubricant and is required for every major process.
It keeps your digestion flowing, flushes out toxins, keeps your system
balanced, and helps control hunger. We recommend drinking half your
body weight in ounces every day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you
should be drinking at least 75 ounces of filtered water every day.

Over a 3 day period I lost 3.1 lbs, but more importantly I FELT better, physically and mentally.  I felt much less bloated after it was complete.  Day 1 was easy.  Day 2 was hard.  I felt tired, hungry and hangry.  Day 3 I felt awesome.  I had more energy, crushed my workout, and mentally was feeling very strong.  I definitely recommend this to kick start some healthy habits or to get rid of the toxins you may have acquired during a poor eating week or a holiday or vacation.  I also liked this "cleanse" because you eat during it.  You are getting plenty of protein, fiber, all of your vitamins, minerals, superfoods, pre and probiotics, and healthy fats, veggies and fruits.

If you're interested in trying, or have questions for me on it, let me know!!!  We will be doing a 3 day refresh challenge group in the middle of July!!!

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