Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Drink More Water

Most people probably do not get the recommended half your body weight in water in ounces each day, so........ Drink more water!!!! And get rid of soda and other sugary drinks.

Water is 60-75% of your body weight and is required to make our bodies work.  It brings nutrients to our cells and gets rid of toxins.  If we are dehydrated even a little bit, our bodies don’t work as well and we start to get tired and have much less energy than we would if we were fully hydrated.  

Drinking enough water also means decreased food cravings and appetite, which if you want to drop some weight, is a good thing.  Shoot for half your body weight in ounces each day. Keep in mind foods such as fruits and vegetables also contain water and this counts towards your daily water intake.  I bought a nice, $10 water bottle, and keep it with me at all times.  If I’m at work or in the car, I never have an excuse for not being able to keep up with drinking my water.  

Now, let’s talk about sugar sugary drinks.  Sugar is a drug and is very, very addicting, and food companies know this.  The more sugar they put in their products, the more you will come back for it.  1 can of coke contains 39 grams of sugar, or 10 teaspoons, and 140 calories.  Let’s say you drink one can per day.  In one month, that comes out to 4200 calories, 1170 grams/2.579 lbs of sugar or 292 teaspoons.  In one year, that’s an astonishing 50,400 calories and 14,040 grams, or 30.95 pounds of sugar.  And that’s just from one drink per day.  Think of all the other sugary foods and drinks that may pass your plate.  50,400 calories also comes out to 14.4 lbs.  How easy would it be to lose weight if you just cut out your can of coke? You can make water tastier by adding in frozen fruit, some lemon wheels or some mint leaves.  Green tea is another great option.  Limit the alcohol.  Sorry folks.

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