Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Weekly Workout 7/28/2014

This is a good strength training workout for runners.  Because as much as you need to run to prepare for a race, you also need to strength train!!

Warm Up - 5 minutes - Dynamic

Perform the following 2 exercises in 4 circuits.  Do one set of the first, then one set of the second, x 4 times.  Rest only after the 4th one is complete.  After you are done with the two exercises x 4, move on to the next 2 exercises.  Do 8-10 reps of each.

1A) Bird Dog (on your hands and kness, reach right arm forward and extend left leg behind you, do this ten times, then switch to the left arm and right leg)
1B)  Hip Extension (with feet on stability ball or chair, extend hips off the floor so body is in straight line)

2A)  One Leg Romanian Deadlift with Weight (body weight on right leg, weight in left hand)
2B)  Push Up Knee to Elbow

3A)  Pulse Lunge with Weights
3B)  One Arm OverHead Press with Weight

4A)  Lawnmowers (split stance dumbell row)
4B) Sumo Squat with DB

5A)  Plank Walks
5B)  Sit Ups

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