Monday, July 13, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training Week 5

There was a 30 degree temperature difference in my runs from Monday to Tuesday.  It's amazing how much faster and better I feel when it isn't 90 degrees outside :)  Here's what week 5 entails!

Week 5
30 Miles Total
10 Mile long run
Key workout: Tempo - 2 mile warmup, 2.5 miles at tempo, 1-2 mile cooldown
Key workout: Track intervals - 2 mile warmup, 4x800 meters (3:00 rest interval), 1-2 mile cooldown

Run #1 - Easy Run - 5.65 miles - This run took place the day after my long run but actually felt pretty good!  It wasn't my fastest run in the world, but it's one of the better feeling runs I've had in a while considering my knee!  

Run #2 - Tempo Run - 5.5 miles - I did my tempo at an 8:00 minute per mile pace.

Run #3 - Track Intervals - 6.15 miles

Run #4 - Easy Run - 2 miles

Run #5 - Long Run - 12 miles - I did this one on the treadmill due to storms in the area (tornadoes, rain, hail) and it wasn't too bad. I finiished this run in just over 1:46 and that was with a 2 minute walking warm up.  I got almost 3 episodes of Pretty Little Liars watched as well. I'll admit it.  I'm addicted.  I'm in season 5 and I don't want it to be over, but I do want to know who A is.  

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