Monday, July 20, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training Week 6

The miles are really starting to increase, which means one thing.  I want to EAT everything in site.  I'm trying to keep a lot of fruits and veggies in the house so I don't eat poorly, and last night I made a big batch of brown rice.  Today I'll hard boil some eggs for the week and roast some sweet potatoes and other veggies so that I have healthy food on hand.

Total Miles - 35
Key workout: Tempo - 2 mile warmup, 3 miles at tempo, 1-2 mile cooldown
Key workout: Fartlek - 2 mile waump, 2 x 3:00, 2:00, 1:00 hard (equal rest), 1-2 mile cooldown
Long Run - 12 Miles

Run #1 - Easy 4.5 miles - I wanted to do more, but the way my schedule works out, I am running the day after my long run.  So it was slow and steady.

Run #2 - Tempo Run - 7 miles - This was my first sub one hour 7 miler in a long time.  Thumbs up!

Run #3 - Fartlek Run - 6 miles

Run #4 - Easy 3 miles

Run #5 - Long Run - 14 ish miles.  It was between 14.04 and 14.57.  Always a discrepancy in my timing devices.  I once looked down at my watch and it said I was doing a 16 minute mile.........not true.  At least I know how long I was running.  If you count this run as 14.5 then I hit my mileage for the week!  

I also started reading Born To Run.  I'll give my review on that book when I've finished :)

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