Week 3
25 total miles
8 long
One Fartlek - 2 miles warmup, 3:00 at comfortably hard pace, followed by 3:00 easy, then 2:00 at comfortably hard pace, followed by 2:00 easy, then 1:00 at comfortably hard pace, followed by a 2 mile cool down.
Run #1 - 5.7 miles - This was my Fartlek. I do my speed runs on a treadmill, to ensure that I actually do them. It went pretty well!
Run #2 - 5.33 miles - This was an easy run.
Run #3 - 4 miles - I did this one on the treadmill as we were in Las Vegas
Run #4 - Long run - 9.4 miles
Week 4
28 total miles
9 long
One Fartlek - 2 miles warmup, then 4 x 2:00 at comfortably hard pace (each 2:00 hard segment should be followed by 2:00 of easy running), then cool-down 2 miles
Run #1 - 5 miles - This was an easy run.
Run #2 - 7 miles - Easy run as well.
Run #3 - 5.8 miles - This was my Fartlek, again on the treadmill.
Run #4 - 11 miles - I did walk a little of this, it was HOT out! It hasn't been that hot in Chicago yet so I'm not acclimated yet, but I got it done. I figured I could do a little bit longer long run since my long run last week was 9.4.

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