Friday, January 24, 2014

FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group

Do you want to change your life into a healthy one but don't know where to start? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the health products out there, and all of the options at your grocery store and don't know which of the 20 kinds of granola bars, or 10 kinds of milk products to choose from? Have you tried to eat healthy in the past and it hasn't worked?

Almost all of the chronic disease in this country are diet related, preventable, and curable with a change in diet.  Our children are predicted to have a lifespan 10 years less than us because of what they are eating.  We are robbing them of life.  Dr. Dean Ornish has stated that " Studies have shown that changing lifestyle could prevent at least 90 percent of all heart disease.  Thus, the disease that accounts for more premature deaths and costs Americans more than any other illness is almost completely preventable, and even reversible, simply by changing lifestyle."  Diet and lifestyle are primary killers.  We need to change that.  We can do it with small steps each day.  Small steps over time add up to amazing results.

I am doing a FREE 7 day clean eating and meal planning group.  I'll give you some sample meal plans, tips and tricks to start the new year off on the right foot.  Email me at if you're interested or create a free Beachbody Account at and I'll add you in!

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