Monday, July 27, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training Week 7

The mileage decreased a little bit this week.  That doesn't mean I still didn't want to eat everything in sight.  I did do meal prep today, so I have a lot of fruits, veggies and sweet potatoes prepped.  I still need to hard boil some eggs and I'll be all set for the week.  I know it's hot, but I made my made over Zuppa Toscana soup, and black bean burgers are on the menu for the week, as well as a brown rice with lentils, tomatoes, cucumbers and feta dish.   I've been listening to No Meat Athlete podcast on my way to work, so thought I would try a few vegetarian dishes this week.  This coming weekend is the Biggest Loser Half Marathon so it's time to really fuel the body right!

Total Miles - 30
Key workout: Hill sprints - 2 miles warmup, 8 x 30-60 second hill sprint (jog back down the hill for your rest), 2 miles cool down 

Run #1 - 4 miles easy.  The way my work schedule is I usually run the day after my long run.  Needless to say, they are usually not very long.

Run #2 - 7 miles of hill sprints.  This was hard.  I like speed work better.......

Run #3 - 4.33 miles easy.

Run #4 - 4.82 miles easy.

Run #5 - 10 mile long run.  It was hot and I was sweaty.  I had to run slow but I felt pretty good!  

#TeamOneStep  #ChicagoMarathon #NoMeatAthlete 

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