Monday, August 3, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training Week 8

This week was a long one!  Total of 37 miles completed, including a half marathon yesterday in the humidity and heat!  Wasn't my best time, however I needed to run today still, so I didn't want to push so hard that I was too sore to get my 4 miles in today.  Here's how the week broke down:

Total Miles - 37
All Easy
Long Run - 13 miles

Run 1 - 8 miles
Run 2 - 9 miles
Run 3 - 3 miles
Run 4 - 13.1 miles - Biggest Loser Half Marathon - We had a lot of family and friends do the half and the 5k as well, making this run fun!  It was 90 degrees and sunny out, but we all finished!  I placed 4th in my age group with a 1:57 (my PR is 1:48 but considering the weather I was ok with that time). Keith's mom WON her age group for the 5k walk!!!!!!  This run also included a 2 mile walk to get to the race for warm up and a one mile walk to get to brunch at our friend's Rachael and Greg's.  After brunch we relaxed the rest of the day :)
Run 5 - 4 miles - I'm also getting a massage later today!  

Have a great Monday everyone and happy running!!

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