Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Diet Soda is Making You Fat!

I'm sure a lot of you were like me.  I used to think baked chips, fat free and low fat cookies and diet soda were good for you.  Fat makes you fat right? There aren't any calories in diet soda so that must be great to consume while on a diet?  This couldn't be farther from the truth.  Fats can be healthy.  Chips probably never will be.  The food industry has some good ploys to get you to buy and eat their food (or food substances) though.  Your best bet is to drink water, or green tea, and eat whole foods.  Ones that come from the ground, or from a tree, and were not manufactured in a plant somewhere.  Dr. Mark Hyman talks about food industry secrets in his article below.

Diet Soda is Making You Fat

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