Sunday, September 22, 2013

Who Wants To Be A Health Coach?

I've always been interested in health, wellness and exercise.  I have always liked the biological sciences, sports and nutrition.  From the time I was a little kid, I've wanted to be in the health field (except for when I thought I was going to be a cheerleader......I guess that's still fitness related?)  So I majored in pharmacology and toxicology in college and became an optometrist after that.  We did some study on nutrition and the eye, but it was somewhat limited.  The eye obviously being an extension of the body, what's healthy for the body is healthy for they eye.  I have my fitness trainer certification and I do train people as a little side job to the optometry gig, so what better to do than to learn more about nutrition? Not only for my personal training clients but also for my optometry patients (macular degeneration can be mostly prevented by a diet high in antioxidants and vitamins and minerals)!!!  So I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a holistic health coach.  One of the best, most enlightening things I've ever done.  I definitely recommend it if you are interested in holistic health.  Check it out and mention my name if you enroll (Megan Mosley :)!!!)

Integrative Nutrition

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