Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Clean Eating Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

It's been so cold in Chicago and the Midwest lately, that oatmeal is the perfect breakfast! This oatmeal recipe is so healthy for you, it has superfoods, fiber, protein and complex carbs in it to help keep you going for hours!


1/3 cup rolled oats (you can use steel cut, those are the best)
1/4 cup canned pumpkin
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tsp chia seeds
Toppings: raw almonds or another type of nut (walnuts would go good here) and dried fruit of your choice (I used dried cherries)


Make the oatmeal according to the package.  Stir in pumpkin, almond milk, and protein powder.  Top with chia seeds, almonds and dried fruit.  I don't think it needs to be sweetened after this, but if you must, use a touch of raw, organic honey.

Stella is so excited about this oatmeal she can hardly stand it! As you can see :)

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