Sunday, May 11, 2014

Asparagus and Ramp Salad

We went to our first farmer's market of the year yesterday, and it was glorious!!! It's been so cold in Chicago there haven't been many outdoor activities, well, since October of last year.  The farmer's market outside my door doesn't start until the second weekend in June, so we ventured up to the Green City Farmer's Market, off of North Avenue.  It was my first time to this market, although in Chicago it is very well known.  In fact, Rick Bayless (Frontera Grill) was going to be doing a cooking demo there a few hours after we showed up. Since it has been so cold, the variety of fruits and veggies wasn't a lot, but we did get some good buys.  Purple and green asparagus, ramps, and organic beef short ribs and pork shoulder.  Keith made the short ribs and an asparagus and ramp salad last night, and I apologize there isn't a picture.  It looked and smelled so good we just dug right in!!!  Here is the salad he made.  We forgot the mint, and it was spectacular without it, but by all means, add it on in!

Asparagus and Ramp Salad

1 lb asparagus - we used 1 bunch green and 1 bunch purple
1 hand full of ramps - about 1/3 of a pound
       - young leeks, spring onions or green onions can be subbed, but it's fun to try something new!
       - ramps are also known as wild leeks, are an early spring veggie, a perennial wild onion with a garlic like          odor and an onion flavor
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
10-12 mint leaves (we left these out, on accident, but the salad was still awesome)
Half a lemon
1/4 cup crumbled feta, chevre or other crumbly mild white cheese (goat perhaps?)

Trim the ends off the asparagus and cut into 1-2 inch pieces.  Rinse and clean the ramps, and pat dry.  Trim off the root ends and roughly chop.  You can use the entire ramp, but if using leeks, do not use the tough upper parts of the leaves.
Heat a pan over med to med high.  Add 1 tbsp of oil and add asparagus and ramps.  Cook about three minutes, until veggies start to brown.  Stir, sprinkle with salt, and let cook another 2 minutes until new brown begins.  Stir and scrape a third time.  While veggies are cooking, chiffonade the mint if using.
Transfer the veggies to a serving platter, drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice, sprinkle of salt, and top with mint and feta.  Serve warm or at room temp.

File:Wild Leeks.jpeg

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