Friday, July 11, 2014

A PiYo Meal Plan Fit For Everyone's Lifestyle

This PiYo Meal Plan is for everyone even if you aren't doing this workout!!!

Exercise is only half (or 20 percent) of the battle.  If you want to look, feel and be your best you need to eat right too.  This doesn’t mean starving yourself.  Your body needs the appropriate fuel to build lean muscle and to fuel itself for workouts and day to day activity. 

I like this PiYo eating plan because it is designed to teach you what your body needs to feel satisfied, but also to build lean muscle and burn calories.  This plan is great for people who like to cook as well as for people who are on the go and need something quick and convenient.  Although this plan is for PiYo it can definitely be used daily as a lifestyle plan. 

The best way to lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit without under eating.  Chalene provides a formula to determine your caloric target in her eating plan.  This eating plan works out to about 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fat.  In this plan, you will be consuming (1) Primary vegetables (2)  Secondary Vegetables & Grains (3) Fresh Fruit (4) Lean Protein (5) Healthy Fats. 

(1) Primary Vegetables - this is the group you get the most servings of.  This group includes vegetables such as leafy greens, brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.  These veggies are low in calories, but contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.  They also have a lot of phytonutrients (just like Shakeology), which give these veggies their color and also keep you healthy!!

(2) Secondary Vegetables & Grains - these foods also contain a lot of fiber and nutrients, and also contain protein.  If you want to make a vegetarian meal, some of these are good to throw in to make your meal heartier.  The secondary vegetables and grains include sweet potatoes, quinoa, beans, lentils, edamame, peas, refried beans, brown and wild rice, amaranth, millet, barley, oatmeal, potatoes, breads and pastas (whole grain), and almond, rice and coconut milk. 

(3) Fruit - fruits contain a good source of phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Although natural, fruit is higher in sugar than veggies.  The best fruits to consume are berries - blue, rasp, black and straw.  Other options include watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, apples, cherries, mangos, peaches, plums and bananas.

(4) Lean Protein - your body needs protein’s amino acids to build muscle.  Some lean proteins contain omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D as well.  Examples of lean proteins include sardines, eggs, boneless, skinless and ground chicken or turkey, fresh water/wild caught (stay away from farmed) fish such as catfish, trout, cod, salmon, halibut and tuna, other game meat like bison and venison, plain greek yogurt (sweeten yourself with honey or maple syrup, preferably organic on the dairy guys), shrimp, crab and lobster, lean red meat, protein powder, tempeh, tofu or seitan and cottage cheese. 
(5) Healthy Fats - eating fat will not make you fat, contrary to former popular belief.  Fat is important for energy and helps you stay full.  Here are some options for healthy fats - avocado, raw nuts and seeds, ground flaxseed, EVOO, olives, peanuts, nut butters (no sugar added), pumpkin, flaxseed, walnut and coconut oils, hummus, coconut, feta and goat cheese. 

FREE FOODS - use these foods to spice up your meal - lemon and lime juice, vinegar, mustard, herbs, garlic, hot sauce, flavor extracts (pure vanilla, peppermint, almond, lemon, etc), coffee and tea (unsweetened) 

(A)  Space out your meals - several smaller meals allow you to better absorb your nutrients and keep you blood sugar stead.
(B)  Stay hydrated - water keeps us running smoothly.   Shoot for half your body weight in ounces per day.
(C) Shakeology - use it for an easy and nutritious meal or snack.  It counts as 1.5 servings of secondary veggies & grains OR 2 servings of fresh fruit OR 1 serving of lean protein

Sample Meal Plan
4 Servings
Primary Veggies
2 Servings
Secondary Veggies and Grains
2 Servings
Fresh Fruit
4 Servings
Lean Protein
3 Servings
Healthy Fats

1/4 cup cooked steel cut oatmeal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 cup cooked spinach

1 Serving Secondary Veggies/Grains
1 Lean Protein
1 Primary Veggies
1 scoop Shakeology
1 cup strawberries

1 Lean Protein
1 Fresh Fruit
3 oz grilled chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil with lemon
10 large asparagus spears, grilled

1 Lean Protein
1 Healthy Fat
1 Primary Vegetables
6 raw almonds
1 small apple
1 cup sliced red bell pepper

1 Healthy Fats
1 Fresh Fruits
1 Primary Vegetables
4 oz grilled tilapia
1 tsp olive oil and lemon
1/2 cup cooked lentils
1 cup cooked broccoli and carrots

1 Lean Protein
1 Healthy Fats
1 Secondary Veggies/Grains
1 Primary Veggies

This sample meal plan is between 1,200-1,399 calories.  And as you can see you are actually eating quite a bit of food.  You can eat more when it is nutritious!!!  

If your calorie target is 1,200 - 1,399:
4 Servings
Primary Vegetables
2 Servings
Secondary Veggies/Grains
2 Servings
Fresh Fruit
4 Servings
Lean Protein
3 Servings
Healthy Fats

If your calorie target is 1,400 - 1,599:
5 Servings
Primary Vegetables
2 Servings
Secondary Veggies/Grains
2 Servings
Fresh Fruit
5 Servings
Lean Protein
4 Servings
Healthy Fats

If your calorie target is 1,600 - 1,799:
6 Servings
Primary Vegetables
2 Servings
Secondary Veggies/Grains
3 Servings
Fresh Fruit
6 Servings
Lean Protein
4 Servings
Healthy Fats

If your calorie target is 1,800 or more:
6 Servings
Primary Vegetables
3 Servings
Secondary Veggies/Grains
3 Servings
Fresh Fruit
7 Servings
Lean Protein
4 Servings
Healthy Fats

I urge you to try this out and see how you feel!!!

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