Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Megan's Workout of the Week 7/7/2014

WARM UP - dynamic - jumping jacks, walking lunges, high knees, butt kicks, frankensteins, side shuffels


Part 1:  Do each exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds - total of 4 rounds

1.  Dumbbell Squat-Curl-Press (knees behind ankles, elbows in by rib cage)
2.  Inchworms to forearm plank back to push up position and stand
3.  Side Plank (switch half way through)
4.  Squat jumps
5.  Bicycles

Run 0.25 miles or jump rope for 2 minutes

Part 2:  30-20-10 Circuit

1.  Push ups (go to knees to keep form)
2.  Squat kick (alternate feet) with dumbbells
3.  Plank punches with dumbbells
4.  Dumbbell step up step down
5.  Burpees (I know you didn't think I'd leave burpees out)
6.  Russian twists with medicine ball (or dumbbell)

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