Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Chia Seed Pudding

Remember the Chia Pet? These "animals" that sprouted grass-like "fur," were once very popular. Fast-forward a few decades, and the seeds from the same chia plant are being sold online and in health food stores as a super food and to help with weight loss!  Who woulda thought?
Chia is an edible seed that comes from a desert plant grown in Mexico dating back to Mayan and Aztec cultures. "Chia" means strength, and these cultures used the tiny black and white seeds as an energy booster.  In fact, they now make all natural gu's for running that are chia seed based!  That makes sense, as chia seeds are a concentrated food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium.
Chia seeds are an unprocessed, whole-grain food that can be absorbed by the body as seeds (unlike flaxseeds). One ounce (about 2 tablespoons) contains 139 calories, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams fat, 12 grams carbohydrates and 11 grams of fiber, plus vitamins and minerals.

Chia seeds have a mild flavor and can be added to most anything.  I add them to my peanut butter toast, yogurt, into water to make a gel, and most recently, to almond milk to make pudding!!  This "dessert" is actually very healthy, but feels like you're cheating!!!


1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 cup plain low fat or no fat greek yogurt
2-3 tbsp pure maple syrup
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla
1/8th tsp vanilla

Add Ins/Add On Tops:

Protein powder
Cocoa powder
Toasted nuts
Maple Syrup

Directions:  Wisk milk, yogurt, syrup, vanilla and salt in a bowl.  Add in seeds and wisk again.  Put in fridge and after about 20-30 minutes wisk one more time.  Let sit overnight for best consistency.  If you want a little bit thicker pudding up the yogurt just a little bit.  

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