Friday, August 8, 2014

Weekly Workout 08/04/2014

Weekly Workout 08/04/2014

Dynamic warm up - 3-5 minutes - your choice

Workout - Do each exercise for one minute, rest 15 seconds; rest 1 minute at the end and repeat x2 (x3 if you’re really motivated!)

Jump Rope
Squat Dumbell Punch
Push Up with Dumbbell Punch
Squat Alternating Front Kick
Shadow Boxing - right and left alternating jabs (engage that core!!)
Mountain Climbers
Sit up’s with two cross punches
Squat to dumbbell press
Inchworm to push up
Alternating side lunges
Football shuffles
Jab, cross, hook uppercut combo - switch feet half way
Bird Dogs
Fire Hydrants
Back Bridges

Sit ups with 2 cross punches

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