Monday, November 24, 2014

Black Friday Fitness Sale Is Here!

It's that time of year again!  We give thanks, and go shopping!!!!!!!  Beachbody has some great Black Friday Sales again this year!!!!  They go live 11/25/2014 at 5 pm Pacific time so get ready!!!!

TurboFire Original Kit

Turbofire is a crazy intense and fun cardio program designed to awaken your inner athlete and help you get a leaner, sexier body - fast! This 90 day program is packed with kickboxing drills, aerobic exercises and intense intervals perfectly choreographed to the hottest music, so you stay motivated to push hard and get awesome results.  Award winning fitness expert Chalene Johnson is with you every step of the way, until you're hooked on the adrenaline high, burning tons of calories, and shedding those extra pounds.  How does it work? Exercising at your max in short intervals improves aerobic and anaerobic energy release and cranks up your bodies metabolism to burn calories faster!!!You also get an afterburn effect, which scorches calories for up to 24 hours after you've finished the workout!

TurboFire Deluxe DVD's and Journal

P90X + FREE P90X Plus

P90X is a comprehensive in home fitness and nutrition program proven to burn fat and reshape your body in just 90 days.  12 different workouts target every area of your body, incorporation moves used by elite athletes, gymnasts,weight lifters, and martial artists.  In addition to doing cardio, strength training, and stretching you'll develope extreme overall fitness with bodyweight exercises like pull ups, push ups, as well as plyometrics, yoga, and kenpo.  Tony Horton will demonstrate each move, and will show a modified version for those of you just getting started.  More than 3.6 million people have bought this program to get into the best shape of their lives.

P90X2® + FREE P90X Plus

The follow up to the #1 selling extreme home fitness program in the world.  This program is the result of 2 years of R&D.  There are 12 new workouts and this program is designed for already fit people, like people who have finished P90X, to take them to the next level.

P90X3 + FREE P90X Plus

P90X3 is a 90 day extreme fitness program designed to get you ripped in just 30 minutes a day.  Each one of these accelerated 30 minute workouts has been developed to produce the greatest physical change in your body in the most efficient way.  With 16 workouts, this program has the most out of any.

Les Mills Pump

Les Mills Pump is an at home version of BODYPUMP, the extremely popular gym classes created by Les Mills and taught in 80 countries around the world.  This barbell based rapid weight loss and accelerated strength training program helps you reshape your entire body using light to moderate weights with higher repetitions.  It's all about the REP EFFECT!!

Les Mills Combat

Les Mills Combat is an explosive mixed martial arts body transformation program that will help rip, shred and lean you out for unparalleled results.  Blending dynamic martial arts movements with HIIT training (high intensity interval training), this program pushes your body far beyond where it's ever been.  You will punch, kick and strike your way to the biggest adrenaline rush - and your best body ever - in just 60 days!!!  This program is based on the BODYCOMBAT gym classes taught around the world.

Slim Series

Slim in 6 is an at home workout program that helps melt fat away and sculpt a leaner, sexier body in just 6 weeks.  An easy to follow blend of fat burning cardio and sculpting moves, this program can work for just about anyone.  Debbie Sieber's combination of cardio, calisthenics, and weight bearing exercises will burn calories and tone your abs, thighs and buns without creating bulky muscles.

Insanity: The Asylum - Volume 1

This is the first in home sports specific training program based on drills used by pro athletes.  During this intense 30 day program, you'll practice moving like a football running back, serve aces like a tennis pro, score points like an all star guard, and more.  Shaun T will help you spike your speed, coordination, agility, strength and power to an elite level.

Hip Hop Abs

Hip hop abs is a 30 day dance based in home fitness program designed to help you burn fat and sculpt your abs without doing crunches or sit ups.  It's good for beginners as well as experience exercisers.  Shaun T teaches his easy to follow moves step by step, so you can do it even if you think you can't dance!!

Barbell Weights

Les Mills Combat Gloves

Barbell with Speed Safety Clips

Ultimate Reset Dry Brush

Beachbody Jump Mat

Stability Ball and Medicine Ball Combo Pack

Step with 4 Risers

Women's Apparel & Men's Apparel

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