Friday, November 28, 2014

Total Body Circuit

I couldn't get my Les Mills Pump to play on my computer today, so I made up my own total body workout.  It took me 35-40 minutes with warm up and cool down.

Dynamic warm up
     - 5 exercises for 20-30 seconds x 2 times through
     - I did jumping jacks, high knees, walking lunges, tin man zombies and squats

Do each exercise 10-20 reps and do the circuit 2 (or 3 depending on how much time you have) times through.  No rest in between exercises, 60 seconds rest after you complete the circuit.

Circuit 1
     - Weighted squats (I used a barbell - you could use weights or bands)
     - Step up, step back to lunge (10 on each leg)
     - Side leg lifts (I use a band to add resistance)
     - active rest jumping jacks (at least 20)

Circuit 2
     - Bicep curls - barbell, weights, kettlbells, etc
     - Chest press - same
     - Shoulder press - ditto
     - active rest - jab cross

Circuit 3
     - Dead lift row
     - Burpee push up to shoulder press
     - Squat upright row
     - active rest - one leg hops

Circuit 4
     - Plank with side toe tap
     - Russian twist
     - Crunches
     - Boxer sit ups

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